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Reporting Codes

The following tables list all reporting codes used for 4+2 and 3+1 formats including Pulse and Express variants. 3+1 formats are designed to closely follow the Radionics standards set by default in many panels. These codes will only need to be entered if your panel is reporting in a format that uses them, contact Administration if you need help with programming.

4+2 Reporting Codes

Code Event Type
10 Alarm (General)
1x Alarm (Zone x)
20 Duress (General)
2x Duress (User x)
30 Panic (General)
3x Panic (User x)
40 Status (General)
4x Status (Zone x)
50 Exit Error (General)
5x Exit Error (Zone x)
60 Conditional Opening (General)
6x Conditional Opening (Zone x)
70 Forced Closing (General)
7x Forced Closing (User x)
80 Bypass (General)
8x Bypass (Zone x)
90 Unbypass (General)
9x Unbypass (Zone x)
00 Test Report
01 AC Power Trouble
02 AC Power Restoral
03 Battery Trouble
04 Battery Restoral
05 RF Battery Trouble
06 RF Battery Restoral
07 General Alarm (DEPRECATED - Use 10)
08 General Trouble (DEPRECATED - Use F0)
09 General Restoral (DEPRECATED - Use E0)
0B Latchkey Alarm
0C Recent Closing
0D Off-Normal Test Report
0E Event Log Threshold
0F Remote Access OK
B0 Opening (General)
Bx Opening (User x)
C0 Closing (General)
Cx Closing (User x)
D0 Cancel (General)
Dx Cancel (User x)
E0 Restoral (General)
Ex Restoral (Zone x)
F0 Trouble (General)
Fx Trouble (Zone x)

3+1 Reporting Codes

Code Event Type
1-8 Alarm (Zone 1-8)
9 Panic
0 Test Report
B Opening
C Closing
D Cancel
E Restoral
F Trouble

3+1 Extended Additions

First Digit Extended Digit Event Type
F 0 AC Power Trouble
E 0 AC Power Restoral
F 9 Battery Trouble
E 9 Battery Restoral
F B Telco Line 1 Trouble
E B Telco Line 1 Restoral
F C Telco Line 2 Trouble
E C Telco Line 2 Restoral
F D Data Bus Trouble
E D Data Bus Restoral
F E Fail To Close
E E Test Report
F F Remote Access Fail
E F Remote Access OK